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Orca Agate

Orca Agate

定價 HK$337.00
定價 售價 HK$337.00
銷售額 售罄


天然水晶 / 礦石會有天然冰裂、棉絮、石紋、黑點、礦物共生、大小不一 (水晶珠或會有不多於
(+/- 0.5mm) 偏差)、或存有一些礦缺等,皆為正常現象,不影響水晶的功效以及使用。



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Orca Agate,也被稱為Orca Stone,是一種Chaledoney品種,僅在馬達加斯加發現,並以品質形成結晶。 這塊石頭有獨特的灰色和藍色帶狀顏色,帶有白色斑點,模仿了虎鯨的圖案和顏色(因此是它的命名)。

奧爾卡瑪瑙以美麗的海洋深處以及雄偉的逆戟鯨命名,是一種與喉嚨脈輪共鳴的強大石頭。 它與溝通和內在真理緊密相連,可以幫助一個人與內在的心理聯絡起來,並承認隱藏的自我真理。

一旦被確認,Orca Agate可以治癒任何深刻的內心情感創傷,從而贏得其作為寬恕之石的聲譽。 在這個非常誠實的自我溝通和寬恕過程中,這塊石頭將使用者從自我懷疑和自我厭惡中解放出來,並促進了溫和的內心平靜。它與雙子座的二元性有關。


Orca Agate, also known as Orca Stone, is a Chaledoney variety that is only found in Madagascar and crystallizes in mass formation. This stone has unique colors of grey and blue banding with white spots, mimicking the patterns and colors of an Orca Whale (hence its naming).

Named for the beautiful depths of the ocean, as well as the majestic orca whale, Orca Agate is a powerful stone that resonates with the Throat Chakra. It is deeply connected to communication and inner truth and can help one connect to their inner psyche and acknowledge hidden self-truths.

Once identified, Orca Agate can heal any deep internal emotional wound, thus lending to its reputation as the Forgiveness Stone. In this deeply honest process of self-communication and forgiveness, this stone frees its user from self-doubt and self-loathing, and promotes a gentle inner peace. It is associated with the duality of Gemini.



Size : 83.4mm x 60mm




all crystals will be purified before shipping